Scientific Hand Analysis Allows you to:
Learn what Your Life Purpose Is
Uncover why you are here and where to find the most fulfillment in your life- your Life Purpose!
Identify Your Roadblocks
Discover your biggest challenge; the thing that keeps you from fully achieving your purpose here on Earth! AKA your Life Lesson. These are blindspots & repeating patterns.
Understand Your Approach to Life
Learn how the way you view the world directly impacts your experiences and ultimately your life purpose! AKA Your Life School.
“After receiving my hand reading from Lisa, I really do believe that the information I’ve learned has helped shape the way I think about challenges in my life and how I need to handle them. ”
There comes a time when we question why we are here and what our purpose in life truly is. If you are like me, you may have struggled to figure this out on your own. We begin seeking help because we are unsure of where to go. We may turn to self-help books, deep introspection, or seek out other methods or coaches to help us figure it out. This whole process may result in receiving bits of information here and there but these answers seem more generalized instead of unique to you. This can leave us feeling like there is still a missing piece, and everything would make sense if we could just receive it!
Perhaps you, like many of us, are waiting for that a-ha feeling! That feeling that you have been searching for. Without knowing this answer, you feel stuck.
I’m here to offer you those answers! Your purpose was imprinted on you by 16 weeks in utero! These imprints will show you how your own hands will finally reveal the answers to this life long question of who you came here to be!
You deserve to be living your Life on Purpose!
JoAnne Brown
“My session with Lisa went so well! She was great to work with and SO passionate about Human Design; I am still integrating a lot of what I learned from her.
I’m realising that Human Design explains so much about who I am, so I’m starting to make that work for me now.”
Your Life Map Report
Receive a basic overview of Your Life Map as an emailed report for your own self-exploration. We will explore your hand analysis, you will receive your full report via email, and a follow-up live.
Your Life Map Session
Includes Your Life Map Report and a 50-minute session with me. In this session, we will review your results and I will provide you with a better understanding of your Life Map to kick start your journey!
Continue The Journey
Need additional insight and clarity after your initial session? Schedule additional time to further explore any aspect of your report. Learn how to apply this knowledge to your life and start living on purpose!
About Me…
Hi, I’m Lisa, the founder of Purpose Magnified, and believe me I’ve been right where you are! I have spent many years down this path of searching for more meaning in life and answering the biggest and most important question there is: Why am I here? I have always been curious about things, how they work and just a researcher in general, seeking methods and tools along the way that could somehow answer this question. I will admit, I am part skeptic, needing proof to back things up, while the other part of me is open-minded to possibilities, that even if at the surface, don’t seem logical. This journey of discovering who I came here to be became long, sometimes lonely and quite honestly, often frustrating. I felt like I was just missing a piece of the puzzle. After all of the avenues I had tried so far, I was left still feeling uncertain and wanting more tangible results. Did such a thing even exist? I always thought it would be amazing if we could just plug ourselves into a machine and have a report print out! (That would be pretty cool actually!)
While taking a road trip to clear my mind, I discovered an amazing tool along with a roadmap that finally satisfied this thirst for more answers. Answers that were unique to me! And the beauty is, the answers came from my own body! (Not quite sticking my finger in a machine, but close!) Now, I’m sharing this life-changing and scientific method with you through my Life Mapping Sessions. People just like you are already discovering who they came here to be and living their life with more clarity and purpose thanks to Scientific Hand Analysis and their own fingerprints!
“I couldn’t wait for our session and was amazed by what Lisa told me! How could she see inside me and know what I came into this world to do, what my challenges would be, what my gifts and talents would amount to? She didn’t have to see into me, all she needed to do was read my prints! ”
“The information that Lisa was able to share from the story of my hands was not only affirming for me, but also helped me to look at what I could focus on next as I travel down the path of purpose. My values were clarified, and I was certainly assured! Furthermore, it helped me to understand the meaning and the why behind some of the thoughts I have, and I confidently was able to apply them to my business. ”
3 Simple Steps for Discovering Your Life Purpose
Schedule Your Hand Printing & Session
Schedule your session and receive your free hand printing kit!
Receive Your Personalized Analysis
Obtain the roadmap that reveals the answers you’ve been looking for!
Gain Confidence, Clarity & Feel Empowered
Start living life with insight, direction and purpose today!