

After receiving my hand reading from Lisa, I really do believe that the information I've learned has helped shape the way I think about challenges in my life and how I need to handle them. Having the ability to know my strengths and weaknesses along with what my purpose is, has helped me in my relationships with people and given me a better insight into the boundaries I need to create in order to have inner peace. I love the knowledge I've gained from these readings and I'm so grateful I have the tools to create a better path for myself moving forward in every aspect of my life!



I was immediately intrigued when Lisa told me what her passion in life was, examining people’s fingerprints to decipher their life purpose. How incredible is that? You see, before we are born, our purpose in life is coded into the lines, whorls, and the loops on our fingers and hands. I couldn’t wait for our session and was amazed by what Lisa told me! How could she see inside me and know what I came into this world to do, what my challenges would be, what my gifts and talents would amount to? She didn’t have to see into me, all she needed to do what read my prints! We covered my life lesson, which she said are the secret sauce to my being able to live my life purpose. Then on to my life school, which helps me with the skills I will need to develop my life purpose. We finished with my life purpose, which was spot on for me. Even if we know, deep down inside, what we came here to do in this lifetime, it is deeply satisfying to have that purpose validated by a professional like Lisa. I enjoyed our session immensely and found the information Lisa provided to be fascinating. If you are looking for insights into what makes you unique, a session with Lisa is just the ticket!

Sue Brady -


Gina Nicole

When I learned that Lisa had the knowledge to look at the road map of my hands from a intuitive lens, I was so interested. THEN, I saw the passion she had for this work and the change it brought, and I was immediately sold. Seeing her care so much about something, and witnessing her commitment to deep studies, was enough to show me this work would bring passionate and shifting results! And it did! The information that Lisa was able to share from the story of my hands was not only affirming for me, but also helped me to look at what I could focus on next as I travel down the path of purpose. My values were clarified, and I was certainly assured! Furthermore, it helped me to understand the meaning and the why behind some of the thoughts I have, and I confidently was able to apply them to my business. Anything that puts me further in touch with purpose, and life’s service, can only better me and I am all about it! I am so glad I did this! I have also had the pleasure of knowing Lisa as someone who commits herself to her studies. This lady never stops. She is dedicated to doing the best for her self, so that she can show up to be the best she can for her client base. She gives so much valuable information, and is 100% committed.
St. Louis

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"Wow!! Lisa’s Fingerprint Technique Reading she uses to help provide us with answers and insight toward our Life Purpose is enlightening and powerful. A true Blueprint of one’s self. The information helped me on a path to recognize areas of my life that influenced both positive and negative traits. Thank you Lisa for your gifted interpretation to assist me as I navigate my Beautiful life."